Maastricht, the most European city of the Netherlands!
A compact and historic city with international appeal, right in the middle of Europe. Maastricht will surprise you with its medieval alleys, romantic squares, traditions, and joie de vivre. But don’t be fooled by the old, because innovation and science flourish here. It’s the only city where heart meets matter.

A lively Romanesque city with an international character and edgy touch, Maastricht is easy to love. Stroll past monumental houses and churches, city walls, charming alleys, and intimate squares to end up on one of the many café terraces. Besides all the charming, romantic places, you can stay in boutique design hotels, shop at designer stores, and eat at highly acclaimed restaurants. And with everything within a short walking distance, you’ll quickly feel at home.

The city center of Maastricht has been declared a national heritage site. You’re invited to walk through what feels like a history book: a rich variety of architectural styles that date back to the early Roman period through to the Renaissance. Experience the seamless transition from stately, old facades to contemporary architecture like the Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts and Design (MAFAD). The MAFAD was designed by local architect Wiel Arets, and UNESCO has named it one of the most beautiful buildings of the 20th century.
Tourism Info Desk
Phone Number
+31 (0)43-325 21 21
Kleine Staat 1 I 6211 ED Maastricht, The Netherlands