Otto Hutzinger Student Award
The Otto Hutzinger Student Award is presented for outstanding student presentations at the annual Dioxin Symposium to acknowledge their scientific contribution to the field of halogenated persistent organic pollutants. This award honors Professor Otto Hutzinger as the founder of the Dioxin Symposia and his continuing interest as a teacher and researcher committed to moving science forward and to stimulating young students and the next generation of researchers. Six awards will be granted to two students in each of the following three categories addressing halogenated persistent organic pollutants (note: contributions on other chemicals will not be eligible):
A. Sources and analysis.
B. Environmental occurrence, including fate, transport and remediation.
C. Human exposure, toxicology and risk assessment of persistent organic pollutants.

The OHA recipients will be selected by a jury made of IAB members during the Dioxin week.
The awardees will be disclosed during the closing ceremony and receive a Plaque and a grant of 500 USD

To be eligible for an Otto Hutzinger Student Award, a student must meet all the following criteria:

The applicant must be either a current or recently graduated student (undergraduate or graduate). Documentation of student status must be provided (i.e. from supervising professor or university administration).

The student must submit a full 4-page paper according to the guidelines to submit a short paper as described on the meeting website. The short paper must include the following sections: Title, Authors and Affiliations, Introduction, Methods and Materials, Results, Discussion and Conclusions, References, Figures and/or Tables.

The student applicant must be the first author (identified by an asterisk or underlined) of the submitted research paper and must be the presenter of the work at the symposium, no matter if oral or poster presentation. Since this award is specifically directed toward assessment of the contribution and work of the student, the paper cannot contain more than four additional co-authors and in total not more than two institutions.
Students whose paper does not meet these guidelines will not be considered. All of the above must be provided when submitting the 4-page paper through the conference website. Upon submission, application for the student award must be confirmed by checking the respective box and supporting documentation submitted. Note: Application for the Otto Hutzinger Student Award will not be automatically include the short paper into Organohalogen Compounds- database.
Evaluation Criteria
The Otto Hutzinger Student Award is provided by the International Advisory Board of the Dioxin Symposia. The IAB will assign internationally recognized researchers as judges. They will assess the papers submitted by all applicants and will prepare a short-list of candidates. Criteria for evaluation of the student oral or poster presentations will include originality and completeness of the work presented as well as the quality of the paper submitted. The judges will attend the student’s presentation and are also encouraged to interview the students to evaluate the student’s ability to communicate the objectives, methods, results and impact of their research as well as their ability to interact with the scientific audience. Based on the above, the judges will nominate two students from each of the above three categories to receive the Otto Hutzinger Student Award.