Abstracts and Short Papers
Submitters will receive notification in June 2023.
Please read this information carefully before proceeding to the online submission.
You are invited to submit one-page abstracts and/or short papers for inclusion at the symposium for either oral or poster presentations
Important Dates
- Submissions accepted from: 6 March 2023
- Submission deadline: 22 May 2023 (oral presentations) I 31 May 2023 (poster presentations)
- Review Period: May 2023
- Notifications to submitters: June 2023
- Early registration deadline: 30 June 2023
- Abstracts and short papers can only be submitted via the online submission platform. Abstracts or short papers sent by email will not be accepted.
No exceptions will be made. - All abstracts or short papers need to be submitted by the presenting author. As a submitter, you must therefore be the presenter at the Symposium in September in Maastricht (if selected). If you are unable or not planning to present yourself, please request the presenting author to submit the proposal.
- All submissions must be made in English.
1. The correct topic must be selected to ensure correct reviewing. The content of the abstract must be topic related. All topics are listed on the website and on the online submission portal
2. Delegates can submit Dioxin2023 presentation proposals in two formats: a one-page abstract or a four-page short paper. Please follow the instructions in the template files to prepare your abstract/short paper. The abstract/short paper must be saved in the Word format before the online submission.
- One-page abstract: please click here to download the one-page abstract template
- Short paper: please click here to download the four-page abstract template.
- Short papers can be published in the 2023 volume of the Organohalogen Compounds if you choose this option.
- Eligible students submitting a short paper can select to be considered for an Otto Hutzinger Student Award (OHA). Please read the eligibility conditions and requirements here.
3. The short paper must be structured into the following sections:
- Introduction
- Materials and methods
- Results and discussion
- Acknowledgements
- References
4. If you have successfully submitted your abstract or short paper, you will receive a confirmation email. If no confirmation email is received, it cannot be considered as successfully submitted and accepted. Make sure to check your junk mail inbox.
5. Submitted abstracts and short papers cannot be re-edited and modified. Therefore, please ensure you have your final version prior to starting the submission process. To save your submission, all required fields (marked with a *) must be filled in. If you leave the system without having provisionally submitted the abstract or short paper, all data is lost. The submitted abstracts/short papers cannot be edited after the submission deadline (28 April 2023, Midnight CET).
6. Please ensure that your abstract/short paper does not contain spelling, grammatical or scientific errors. No corrections are possible after the submission deadline. The abstract will be reproduced exactly as submitted. No proofreading will be done, although some corrections may be requested by the reviewers.
7. If you need to withdraw your abstract, a written statement reflecting the reasons for this decision must be sent to: dioxin2023secretariat@wearemci.com, no later than 1 June 2023.
- The reviewers will judge the abstracts according to the relevance to Dioxin2023, standard of English, objectivity of statements, description of what was done, suitability of methods to aims, conclusions confirmed by objective results, ethics, scientific value, originality of work and overall impression.
- The submitting authors will be notified by June 2023, at the email address provided during submission, whether their abstract/short paper has been accepted, rejected, or requires revision. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that emails from Dioxin 2023 can reach them. They will be informed about the date, time and form of their presentation by email also.
All abstracts and short papers accepted for presentation (oral or poster) will be published in the Book of Abstracts.
Additionally, short papers can be published in the 2023 volume of the Organohalogen Compounds Database at www.dioxin20xx.org if this option was selected in the online submission.
All previous papers from Dioxin Symposia can be viewed at www.dioxin20xx.org.
- Abstracts/short Papers can be accepted either as poster or oral communication.
- In order for abstracts/short papers to be included in the final programme of Dioxin2023, the presenting author must be registered by 30 June 2023. Failure to register by this date could lead to the withdrawal of the presentation.
Registration Deadline (for abstract presenters)Early Bird Registration Deadline: 30 June 2023

If you experience any kind of problem submitting or if you have any additional questions regarding abstracts and short papers, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Nicolas Velasquez
Abstract & Speaker Coordinator
Dioxin2023 Secretariat
c/o MCI Benelux SA
Phone: +32 (0)2 320 25 34
Email: dioxin2023secretariat@wearemci.com