for Presenters

Presenters are allotted 20 minutes total presentation time (15 minutes for the lecture and 5 minutes for discussion and questions). To synchronise the parallel sessions, session chairs have been instructed to retain a strict control of this time schedule. This is to allow participants to move from one session to another without missing any of the presentations.
The official format of the presentation is via a projector using Microsoft PowerPoint. Presenters will not be allowed to connect their own computers to the projectors at the Symposium.
Presenters are requested to use the official Dioxin2023 PowerPoint template for their presentations, the template is downloadable via the below link:
All presenters must upload and test their presentations in the Speaker Ready Room the day prior to their session (and at the very latest 3 hours prior to the beginning of the session in which the presentation is scheduled). Rehearsals and significant editing will not be allowed on the Symposium computers. Monday speakers should upload and test their presentations on Sunday afternoon between 15.00 and 18.00. Please ensure that you have your presentation identifier (e.g.: MON-AM-A1) with you when making any uploads/changes at the Symposium.
It is the responsibility of the individual presenters (not the organisers) to check their presentation before downloading. An audio-visual technician will be available to assist.

A technician will be available to assist you with uploading your presentation to the correct breakout room at the following times:
- Sunday 10 September 2023 15.00 – 18.00
- Monday 11 September 2023 08.00 – 17.00
- Tuesday 12 September 2023 08.00 – 17.00
- Wednesday 13 September 2023 08.00 – 13.00
- Thursday 14 September 2023 08.00 – 15.30

Display area for poster presentations will be provided in the Expo Foyer. Poster presenters are to ensure their poster on the correct board that features their four-digit poster number by 12:00 noon on Monday and should be displayed until 18.00 of Thursday. Presenters are responsible for setting up and removing their posters. The organiser will provide materials to affix the poster to the boards.
Posters will be displayed per topic and ordered by poster number.
Posters must be taken off after their display periods are over (after 18.00, Thursday 14 September). Any posters left after 19.00, Thursday 14 September, will be removed and discarded without notice.
All posters may be viewed at any time that the Symposium is in session in the designated poster area. In addition, specific times are set aside after the breakout sessions on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday for poster viewing. These sessions will be accompanied by a typical Dutch/Belgian experience – beer tasting!
All three sessions will cover all poster topics, poster presenters are therefore required to be present at their poster board during the three poster viewing sessions.
- Monday 11 September 2023 17.00 – 18.00
- Tuesday 12 September 2023 17.00 – 18.00
- Thursday 14 September 2023 17.00 – 18.00
Poster Requirements
The poster should be in A0 size and in portrait mode, 841 (width) x 1189 (height) mm. References and acknowledgements are required on all posters and should preferable also have the following sections: introduction or background, materials and methods, results and discussion, and main conclusions. Visual elements are most welcome and the event logo may be added, if desired.
Onsite poster printing will not be possible. However, for those wishing to print their poster in Maastricht, you can contact Houx Digiprint via email at with attached poster in pdf (starting at €16,50).
The print shop is located in Maastricht city centre.

Authors were asked during abstract submission if they would like to have their contribution included in the Organohalogen compounds. Only the four-page short paper can be included in the Organohalogen compounds. The short papers accepted will be reviewed separately for inclusion in the Organohalogen compounds. The short papers accepterd for Organohalogen Compounds can be accessed via following the Symposium.