Session Topics

- Advancements in pharmacokinetic modeling of POPs and mixtures
- Advances in the (bio)remediation of POPs
- Ecotoxicology
- Environmental and human exposure to plasticizers and other consumer product chemicals
- Environmental Forensics
- Epidemiology
- European POPs monitoring
- Exposome of Emerging Contaminants in the Global Environment
- Fate and Transport
- Fate, Detection and Analysis of Chlorinated Paraffins
- Food contact materials
- Formation, Sources and Control
- From Science to Policy
- Human Exposure
- Legacy and Emerging Flame Retardants: Biotransformation and Toxicity
- Legacy and Emerging Flame Retardants: Occurrence and Exposure
- Levels and Trends (Abiotic)
- Levels and Trends (Biota)
- Levels and Trends (Foods and Feeds)
- Metabolism
- Micro(nano)plastics as Environmental Vectors for POPs and Additives
- Organic pollutants in HBM4EU and PARC projects
- Per and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS): Occurrence and exposure
- Per and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS): Toxicity
- Physico-chemical Properties and Modeling
- POPs and microplastics
- POPs in developing countries
- POPs in polar regions
- Progress in Methods for POPs Analysis
- Risk Assessment and Risk Management
- Screening and identification of novel contaminants
- Status and Perspective on Waste Management of POPs
- Toxicology
- Other Topics